The back yard is home to a few scrub pines that are about 2 1/2 stories tall. One of them is completely dead – no needles in the canopy at all. I think they all might be problematic because up until a few months ago they were surrounded by a forest of trees that provided protection from strong winds. These trees were in the middle of the bunch and grew very tall, with perhaps, a not so terrific root structure to support that height, because they had so much protection.

There’s a whopper of a storm on the way to the Jersey Shore this weekend and we are looking at a possible 18+ inches of snow and winds upwards of 60 miles per hour. The protection of the surrounding trees is gone now, at least on one side, so they will definitely be swaying like crazy in the “breeze”.
The dead one worries me though. It’s something I was looking sideways at when we moved in, knowing I’d have to deal with it at some point, but this weekend might be a huge test. If I see it swaying a bit too much these days then I might call someone like tree services that can provide exceptional service to help me get rid of it before a disaster happens. For now I’ll leave it as it is, but I will be keeping a very close eye on it. But if you have an old, decrepit tree that needs removing, hiring a tree removal service and the expertise of a professional tree service is a must!
Let’s all cross our fingers and toes and hope that it falls AWAY from the house, ok? A broken fence panel would be better than a broken home. *sniff*
Thanks. You’re awesome.