Watch this video! Making elderberry syrup with organic fresh berries

Here is how and why I’m making elderberry syrup!

Today I’m making some home made elderberry syrup using fresh organic elderberries from my yard that were harvested from my yard in late August and September! The recipe I use is based on the one from Mountain Rose Herbs. The local honey I’m using is from Apianway Honey Farms in Toms River, NJ

I’ve made some adjustments based on my own experience and preferences – this is my recipe.

Elderberry Syrup from

8 cups fresh or frozen elderberries
8 cups filtered water
1 tbsp sliced fresh peeled ginger root
1 cinnamon stick
1 cup raw local honey
1 cup vodka (optional)

Combine berries and herbs with cold water in pot and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and allow herbs to simmer 30 to 40 minutes.
Remove cinnamon stick and discard.
Remove from heat and let steep 1 hour.
Strain berries a fine strainer or cheesecloth and squeeze out liquid (careful, liquid will likely still be hot!). Discard berry pulp, skins and seeds. I toss it in my compost.
Once liquid has cooled to just above room temperature, add honey and stir to incorporate.
If using vodka, add here and stir until well combined.
Bottle in sterilized glass leaving an inch of headspace if you intend to freeze it.
If possible, freeze until needed.

Do you preserve food from your garden to use over the winter?